
Gain weight fast.

I'm currently hovering around 14st1 ish. My other half is away until July 31st and I want to surprise him by hitting at least 200ibs whilst he's away. Struggling by myself. Any tips??
9 years

Gain weight fast.

You have about ten days, and are only looking for 3+ pounds, you should be able to do it with some work, but hopefully it is the fun sort of work!

Obviously you need to eat a lot, and you would know best how this happens best for you. What I'd do, based on what works for me, is aim to eat each meal twice: eat your regular breakfast, then have another of some sort on the way to work, eat a bagged lunch at work and take a walk to pick up another modest meal. Grab a take out supper on the way home, then cook a good sized and healthy supper once you are home. Part of why this works for me is variety, spreading apart the meals some, and the naughty thrill of letting others only see me eat normally, but knowing that I'm doubling up.

But if what works for you is to sit down to watch a movie in the evening and eat as much cheesecake as you can manage, or to pack a bunch of of snacks and set an alarm to go off every hour to remind you to eat, go with that :-)

ETA in other words, you can't rely on hunger to lead you to eat enough to gain that quickly. You need a plan that keeps you eating more, but it will be easier if you make a game or story out of it, and do it in ways that is exciting and fun for you beyond the food itself. Odds on your body will lose a lot of appetite as you go on, so there needs to be other positive feedback.
9 years